Personal Injury Attorney | Car Accident Attorney
A proud member of the better business bureau. Give us a call and get the largest possible settlement for your car accident, slip and fall, or dog bite. We are a trusted law firm with over 10 years experience in handling auto accident cases. Our attorneys have a 99% success rate in obtaining the maximum compensation. Call now!
Practice Areas
Car Accident Settlement Attorney
Proven Record of Getting the Maximum for your Injury
The services of a good car accident lawyer cannot be understated. Having your case handled properly from the beginning is the key to ensuring that your case does in fact settle for the proper amount leaving you with no expenses or extraneous bills that you had not expected.
At the Law Office of Jermaine D Hammonds, you will have the peace of mind knowing that your case will not settle for less that the fair value, and that once you do settle, all of your therapy and chiropractic bills have been paid through any available coverage. This allows you to receive the most from your case. Unfortunately, when not done correctly your situation could be made worse, not better.
We also assist with recovering for the loss of your vehicle.
We also assist with the loss of your vehicle, and may provide advice and counsel in the area of vehicle damage and repairs. If your vehicle was a total loss, learn more about how a value may be determined for you vehicle.
Car Accident Trial Attorney
Experienced Large Dollar Trial Attorney
There could be a variety of reasons that your case has not settled for fair value. But regardless of the reason, having an experienced trial attorney to pursue damages on your behalf is the wisest thing you can do for yourself. The Court will only award damages when your case is proven by a preponderance of the evidence that someone else was at fault for the accident, and that you did sustain a bodily injury as a result. Your medical expenses, lost wages, and other cost must be properly admitted into evidence under the rules of evidence, civil, and court procedure.
At the Law office of Jermaine D. Hammonds, we prepare your case from the very beginning so that you have the best chance of success if a trial is necessary for the fair resolution of your bodily injury case.
Car Accident | Personal Injury | Wrongful Death
Big Box Injury Firm